Starting something new is tough. Putting in your best effort at all times is the toughest.
Our first establishment started in 2012 at ABC Bricksworks Food Centre. Since then, we have been constantly innovating our products. By doing lots of market research in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, we understood the taste buds of our consumers. This led us to the creation of our specialty – the Pandan Waffle. The secret to our famous Pandan Waffle recipe lies in the extraction of juice from the freshest pandan leaves. Using long-lost traditional techniques that are time-consuming, the sweet-smelling juice which is then cooked with eggs gives off an extremely delectable aroma that cannot be replicated using essence. Using light, fragrant Taiwanese tea and the best ingredients, we developed several classic beverages. Our special Milk Tea, which carries a strong fragrance, has always been the number one beverage choice to go with the Pandan Waffle.
Our name "Gambatteh" which is derived from the Japanese language, basically means "go for it" while "Teh" in Malaysia and Singapore is commonly referred to tea. We name ourselves “Gambatteh" because we strongly believe that success will be ours if we have determination and faith. Keep trying! Go for it! Take a break, have some tea. Rest a while before continuing to Gambateh!!
从2012年在ABC砖厂小贩中心创业开始,我们不断推陈出新自家产品,努力在台湾,香港,新马之间的味觉差异上做研究,最终有了独特配方的班兰叶松饼,用新鲜班兰叶制作产品的传统方式,做工繁琐,耗时耗力,早已被许多人舍弃,但新鲜班兰叶的香气与鸡蛋结合的香味,始终是人工香精无法比拟的,纯粹的清香令人回想起单纯的古早味。 我们也以清香回甘台湾茶叶为主,搭配新鲜食材,变化出各种经典饮品,特制的奶茶更是香醇浓厚,多年来一直是顾客搭配班兰松饼的不二首选。
店名甘巴茶是日文的音译,意思是加油! 而Teh是新马一带奶茶的通称,以之命名是因为我们的中心思想是,相信自己,再试一次,世界上什麽事都有可能,加油!加油!再加油!累了,喝杯茶,休息一下,继续甘巴茶!